Sunday 5 August 2012

Ze Family

Hello readers, especially my bgff cokotneddy. sorry its been awhile i dont update this blog. July was a busy month for me. i had lots of activities . almost every week i do have a job to be done.

today entry is about my beloved family. i love my family and they are my priority. sometimes i wondering how my mum can remember all our story (his daughter). just imagine a mum can memories all kind of story that have been told by us. that was amazing and i was proud of you mum. ohh i almost forgot act sy nak berterima kasih to my coolest dad yg da belanja ktorg semua makan besar kat restoran masakan thai. this place quite expensive actually but ktorg da lame x makan luar ramai2 and this place was near to our house. sekali-sekala mkn makanan mhal ape salahnye kan.. hehe TQ HAJI OTHMAN BIN MUSTAFFA ;)