Friday 13 April 2012

Best Friend Forever

True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance, but not in heart.

We're not sarcastic, we're hilarious. We're not annoying, we're just cooler than you. We're not bitches, we just don't like you. And we're not obsessed, we're best friends.

When i get married, she'll be my maid of honor. When i have a baby, she'll be the godmother. And when i grow old, she'll be playing bingo with me at the nursing home. This girl is more than my best friend.. she is my other half.

I don't want you in my life, i need you in my life. You're not my friend, your my best friend. I don't like you, i love you. And i'm glad i found you because i was absolutely lost without you. 

 So many memories. So many stupid fights. So many inside jokes and the craziest nights. Everything crazy that i do always seems to happen when i'm with you. 

 A best friend is someone who walks in when the whole world has walked out.

True friendship isn't being inseparable.. it's being separated and nothing changes

-syafika husin-

-siti nadia mohd fuad-


p/s: i love both of you. glad to have a nice friend like u guys.. <3 

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