Thursday 12 April 2012


while im busy creating this blog i got a good night message from my friend and guess who? of course la from si budak bising cokot neddy ! she's my best friend and she was a loyal friend. hmm see i already miss his laugh and jokes.. she was awesome, hilarious, glamorous girl in the universe <--- dye yg suruh tulis. haha but seriously she was an awesome and strong girl. she's text me : ( i'm being solo :( little bid sad, but no worries, the existence of cutety cengeng in my life, make me realized - there's so much thing in our life that we need to explore until we'll be a quenn. xoxo gossip girl)  i wish i was there next beside you nadia. and i wanna hug you tightly :( ... and suddenly she's send me patah seribu lyrics. ok this budak sgt addicted dgn patah seribu song by shila hamzah. i know this song meaningful for you. even you laughing while singing this song but deep in your heart this song express how your feeling towards him right? be strong okayh sweetheart. me always here for you ! 

tadaaa...she's the one that im talk about. this is my lovely friend cokot neddy. 
-siti nadia bt mohd fuad-

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