Saturday 14 April 2012

Diploma (part 3)

We are now at Uitm Khazanah Alam , Jengka.. on my way there i've been very busy texting with cokot and aty. we are texting all the way. and don't know how suddenly terowong genting sempah became "terowong kita". every time when nadia and i past the terowong, both of us will text each other and said "baru lpas terowong kita !!" haha sweet kan ktorg ? uitm jengka was not that bad. even there was no shopping complex there and lot of hutan2 but i think it was a best place for study. alamanda lot of entertainment la .. plus duit byk abis kat mid. every time hangout for sure i'll buy something. at least a shirt or handbag. pity my dad, i always ask him for money. da la xpinjam ptptn... hari-hari pama... sorry ayah :( okayh enough of the story. let's see all the picturessss  :)

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