Saturday 14 April 2012

Diploma (part 1)

Alhamdulillah i got an offer letter from UITM. Course that i've been offer is banking. i was very exited. yeayy i will be an university student!!! haha many preparation need to be done. i have to buy lots of stuff. *almaklumlah first time masuk u kan.. i already listing things that i need to buy. when first time i go to alamanda, i'm soo speechless. really crowded. many kind of people i see there. but when i arrive at my room i'm soo happy. it was very comfortable. ok let's see my roommates :) 

    from left: syue, me (husna), ulfah, 
                  fyna, nadia, bella

our routine: movie-ing at mid 
(every Wednesday lepaking at mid)

(mostly perempuan.. tp ade la beberapa ketul lelaki yg tersesat.)

 -awesome friend-
(we always threesum. i love both of them!!)

*unforgettable memory when they celebrate my birthday at Pizza Hut Mid Valley. Even baru jer kenal xsampai 2 bulan they already make a surprise party for me. twice plak tu. and teddy bear that they give me as a present i still keep it. thanks friendsss... :)

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